6 crucial B2B marketing strategies for Australian businesses in 2024

Evan Pavlidis

Senior Digital Marketing Strategist

Marketing Strategy
5 March, 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of B2B marketing, Australian businesses stand at the precipice of a transformative era. The uncertainties of the current economic climate only highlight the importance of leveraging these innovations to stay competitive and resilient. Staying ahead of these trends not only positions businesses for success but also enables you to navigate the challenges of an ever-changing economic landscape.

At SIXGUN, our comprehensive digital marketing solutions can support your business’s growth in this new era. Join us as we explore the avenues of innovation and strategy that are shaping the future of B2B marketing in Australia, ensuring that your business not only keeps pace but excels in 2024 and beyond.

1. Data-driven decision making

Manufacturing & Engineering Marketing Strategies
Image Source: Canva

As far as B2B marketing goes, the power of data-driven decision making stands out as a critical strategy in 2024. Analytics not only illuminate past customer behaviours, but also forecast future trends, enabling businesses to tailor their strategies with precision. This approach ensures that marketing efforts are both efficient and impactful, maximising return on investment. 

Personalising your marketing efforts through customer data has become indispensable. Today’s market demands that businesses move beyond generic messages, using data to deliver personalised experiences that resonate with individual customers. This involves crafting tailored content, communications, and offers, which can enhance customer engagement and loyalty. Google has also indicated it plans to phase out third-party cookies in the Chrome browser, which may make the role of analytics far more important going forward.

Analytics not only illuminate past customer behaviours, but also forecast future trends, enabling businesses to tailor their strategies with precision. 

To effectively leverage data, businesses must adopt the right analytical tools and techniques. This is where platforms like Google Analytics, customer relationship management systems, and AI-driven analytics tools are essential for dissecting customer data and deriving actionable insights. Techniques like A/B testing and conversion rate optimisation (CRO) allow further refinement in real time, ensuring the campaign remains agile and responsive to market dynamics.

2. Search marketing — navigating SEO and Google Ads

Mastering the art of search marketing (particularly through SEO and Google Ads) is pivotal for businesses aiming to stand out in the digital arena — especially in regards to B2B marketing. Understanding the competitive landscape and the inherent challenges within your industry forms the bedrock of effective search marketing strategies. This awareness allows you to tailor your business’s approach, ensuring that you’re not just visible but also relevant to your target audience amidst a sea of competitors.

At the heart of search marketing success is the concept that search intent trumps all. Recognising the intent behind search queries allows businesses to craft content and advertisements that align with the user’s stage in the buying journey — whether they are seeking information, considering options, or ready to make a purchase. Addressing search intent not only improves the relevance of content and ads, but also enhances user experience, leading to higher engagement rates and conversion opportunities. In a high-value, low-volume B2B environment, the cost of not being found by your potential customers (for any reason) is too high. It makes sense to prioritise being found whenever possible.

At the heart of search marketing success is the concept that search intent trumps all. Recognising the intent behind search queries allows businesses to craft content and advertisements that align with the user’s stage in the buying journey.

Our client Hussman represents a solid example of the power of a well-executed search marketing strategy that takes into account the competitive landscape, prioritises search intent, and uses real, actionable data to guide decision-making. For Hussman, we developed and executed an SEM campaign that integrated both search and display advertisements, ensuring Hussman were both getting in front of their target audience and converting them into leads each month. After some time in the market, we were able to refine the search/display ad balance of the campaign to boost the number of leads generated each month and lower the cost per lead. The campaign has experienced notable growth in lead volumes over its duration, alongside a considerable decrease in the cost per lead, a testament to the power of being found. 

3. Strategising according to industry, niche, and growth stage

Full understanding of where your business sits in the broader landscape is a key aspect of ensuring your customers can find you. Here are three common and basic examples of challenges faced by B2B businesses in various industries and niches. 

If everyone is saying the same thing

When you’re in a highly competitive sector like commercial real estate or business services, like our client Drake International, standing out requires a sharp focus on what makes your business unique — because everyone is saying something similar. You might begin with a robust content marketing strategy that not only showcases your expertise and unique value propositions but also answers the specific questions your target audience is asking. Employ SEO and SEM strategies to ensure your content reaches the right people, focusing on long-tail keywords and niche markets where you can be a big fish in a smaller pond. Personalisation is critical—use data and analytics to tailor your messaging, ensuring it speaks directly to the needs and interests of your potential clients. Pair these strategies with targeted social media advertising to amplify your reach and ensure visibility among the right audience, and emerge as the go-to solution in a sea of sameness.

If you have a better product or service, but no one knows it yet

This niche is typical of SaaS, engineering and B2B products that are superior yet under-recognised. For content, consider an educational content strategy to illuminate your product’s unique value. Augment this with targeted paid campaigns on platforms like LinkedIn and Google Ads, reaching out directly to key decision-makers. 

Utilise customer testimonials and detailed case studies in both organic content and paid ads to build trust and authority. SEO strategies should focus on queries related to the unique problems your product solves, ensuring visibility to those in need of your solutions. Paid and organic efforts combined can bridge the awareness gap, drawing attention to your innovative solutions.

If you’re ready to start scaling up

Businesses targeting rapid growth in the Tech/IT domain, like our client Coreplus, require an aggressive yet calculated marketing strategy. Use a combination of paid advertising across search engines and social platforms to quickly gain visibility and generate leads. Complement this with a strong content marketing strategy that nurtures leads across the buyer’s journey, backed by analytics for continuous optimisation. Account-based marketing (ABM) can further tailor your approach to high-value targets, making use of both paid and organic channels for a holistic growth strategy. This approach ensures sustainable expansion through a strategic mix of paid advertising and targeted, data-driven marketing tactics.

4. Content marketing and copywriting: quality over quantity

Gone are the days of adopting a volume-driven approach to content marketing. In 2024, it’s much more effective to focus on crafting meaningful and valuable content that not only attracts and retains audience attention, but also establishes a brand’s authority and credibility in its industry. This resonates with the recent changes Google has made to their Quality Rating guidelines for web content, emphasising first-hand experience with a topic over generic content and copy. 

A sure-fire way to create compelling content is to focus on storytelling, sharing journeys, challenges, and successes in a way that resonates with your target audience. Incorporating data and case studies only helps to substantiate these claims and provide tangible evidence of success, enhancing credibility. By sharing insights, forward-thinking ideas and expert analyses, businesses can also position themselves as thought leaders in their field through white papers, industry reports, and webinars, to name just a few possible routes.

A sure-fire way to create compelling content is to focus on storytelling, sharing journeys, challenges, and successes in a way that resonates with your target audience.

However, all the content marketing and thought leadership strategies in the world won’t help if your copywriting itself isn’t on point. The ability to craft copy that speaks directly to the needs and desires of a target audience is paramount. It’s the art of blending psychological insight with language to not only capture attention but also inspire action. 

In essence, copywriting is the bridge between a brand’s message and its audience’s response, making it a crucial element of any content strategy. Whether it’s a page describing a service or microcopy on a web form, effective copywriting is about creating a connection with the reader and compelling them to act — subscribing to a newsletter, making a purchase, or engaging with content on a deeper level.

5. Leveraging LinkedIn for networking and leads

LinkedIn has emerged as an indispensable platform in the landscape of B2B marketing, uniquely positioned to facilitate professional networking and lead generation. With its vast network of professionals and businesses, LinkedIn offers unparalleled opportunities for B2B marketers to connect with their target audiences in a context that is already oriented towards business and professional growth.

The platform’s growing significance can be chalked up to its tailored environment for professional engagement, which allows for highly targeted marketing and networking strategies. LinkedIn’s sophisticated algorithm and comprehensive user profiles enable businesses to reach decision-makers directly, making it a highly effective channel for lead generation and brand positioning within professional circles.

Advertising on LinkedIn offers a faster route to reach a targeted audience, increase visibility, and generate leads, albeit at a higher cost and with the need for more sophisticated strategy and understanding of the platform’s advertising capabilities — there is a skillset required for getting the best B2B marketing results out of LinkedIn.

Tips for effective LinkedIn marketing and networking

  • Optimise your profile and company page: Ensure that both are fully optimised with detailed descriptions, relevant keywords, and high-quality images. This enhances visibility and credibility.
  • Publish valuable content: Share articles, insights, and industry news that are relevant to your target audience. This positions your brand as a thought leader and engages potential leads.
  • Utilise LinkedIn’s advanced targeting features: Take advantage of LinkedIn’s targeting capabilities to tailor your advertising campaigns to specific industries, company sizes, and job functions, among many other options.
  • Engage regularly: Participate in discussions, join relevant groups, and engage with your connections’ content. Regular engagement increases visibility and strengthens professional relationships.
  • Leverage LinkedIn Ads: Experiment with different ad formats — such as Sponsored Content, Message Ads and Dynamic Ads — to drive traffic and generate leads.

Pros and cons of LinkedIn marketing

The pros:

  • Targeted audience: LinkedIn’s platform is designed for professionals, offering precise targeting options based on job titles, industries, and professional interests.
  • High-quality leads: The professional nature of the platform tends to yield high-quality leads who are actively seeking business solutions and networking opportunities.
  • Diverse ad formats: LinkedIn provides a variety of ad formats and campaign types, accommodating different marketing objectives and content styles.

The cons:

  • Professional audience: While this one is a pro for B2B, the professional focus means that LinkedIn is less suitable for broader consumer-targeted campaigns — compared to a platform like Meta, users are far less likely to be in a buyer mindset. 
  • Costs: Advertising on LinkedIn can be more expensive compared to other social platforms, which might be a consideration for businesses with limited budgets.
  • Learning curve: Mastering LinkedIn’s suite of marketing tools and analytics can require a significant investment of time and resources.
B2B Marketing Strategies
Image Source: Canva

LinkedIn advertising through organic posting and outreach

B2B brands looking for an edge can also consider sharing organic content, engaging with other users, and building a network without paid promotion, which can effectively establish thought leadership and brand presence. However, this approach may yield slower growth and requires consistent effort and careful planning. As with any campaign, what suits one business may not suit others.

6. The power of customer testimonials and case studies

In the B2B sector, where trust and credibility are paramount, leveraging customer testimonials and case studies is a powerful strategy — they serve as concrete evidence of a company’s capabilities and the real-world impact of its solutions.

Customer testimonials and case studies are effective because they go beyond mere claims; they provide proof. Success stories (especially those that detail the challenge, solution, and outcome) allow potential clients to see themselves in the narratives, understanding how similar challenges could be overcome by partnering with your company.

Customer testimonials and case studies are effective because they go beyond mere claims — they provide proof. 

To maximise the impact of testimonials and case studies, it’s crucial to present them in a manner that is both accessible and engaging. There are various format options that you can incorporate into your overall B2B marketing campaigns, such as video testimonials, which add a personal touch and are highly shareable across digital platforms. Written case studies, enriched with quotes, metrics, and before-and-after scenarios, provide depth and detail that can persuade decision-makers. Featuring these testimonials prominently on your website, in sales presentations, and across social media channels ensures they reach a broad audience.

Embrace the future of marketing with a holistic strategy

As you can probably see, there are a lot of moving parts involved with strategy in this space. SIXGUN is poised to be your partner in navigating your B2B marketing journey, offering the expertise and tools necessary to not only keep pace but lead in an increasingly competitive market. By focusing on quality content, leveraging powerful platforms, and showcasing your success through customer testimonials, your business can achieve remarkable growth and resilience. Embrace the future of B2B marketing with SIXGUN: book a discovery session today and unlock your business’s full potential.


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