YouTube marketing,
from an award-winning
Melbourne agency

YouTube is the new TV. Ensuring you’re getting maximum value from every cent of ad spend, our experts can help your ad content establish a meaningful presence for the audiences you want to reach.
It’s Not Just About
Cat Videos Anymore

The power of YouTube

In today’s world, people watch videos anywhere and everywhere, using tablets, smartphones, and computers of every specification. YouTube is no longer just about unboxing videos—these days, huge corporations invest money into both creating their own videos and placing their ads on the videos of others.

We can help you tap into the YouTube market and reach more people than ever before. 

Cutting-edge YouTube marketing from Melbourne’s leading boutique digital agency

It’s often said that video is the future of content—this is true. However, it’s also the here and now. Video content is proven to provide higher levels of engagement, requiring very little of the user other than having their eyes open.

Television has traditionally been the most powerful advertising medium—YouTube is television advertising for the 21st century, and it’s only getting bigger.

YouTube offers a targeted version of television advertising, with video and ad placement segmented into different audiences. YouTube is its own social network, with all the data and tools to reach different demographics effectively. As a leading YouTube marketing agency in Melbourne, SIXGUN has the technical expertise and digital experience to plan and execute an elegant and effective YouTube ad campaign designed to reach your audience and drive traffic and leads.

The agency you can rely on for effective YouTube advertising campaigns fast

SIXGUN is passionate about helping Australian businesses succeed. Our unique approach begins by getting to know your business and your ambitions, then carefully crafting a strategy that is designed specifically for you.

When you choose SIXGUN, you’re choosing the agency that provides the most attentive and dedicated service in Australia. We aren’t simply your YouTube marketing agency — we become an integral part of your business. We’re available when you need us — whether that’s a phone call after hours or spending a day in your office working on your strategy. We ensure that every one of our clients has a direct line of communication to our team at all times. This means that nothing is ever left to chance, and helps us build a strong relationship with your company. This integration allows us to work quickly and make sure you get the best possible return on your YouTube marketing investment.

YouTube marketing is more than just 15 second ads

There’s a misconception that YouTube marketing is just creating ads and placing them at the start of generic YouTube videos. This is certainly one option, but there is so much more.

Content creation is vital for engaging your audience and bringing your brand to life. It isn’t enough to just have a good product or service – you need to reach out to people in ways that your competitors aren’t. Creating a YouTube channel for your business is a great way to open your door to people, regardless of their location.

Creating your own videos doesn’t have to be hard. Any smartphone from the last five years has the capability to record high-quality video. From there, it’s a matter of editing and uploading, then promoting. Once you hit your stride with the videos, you’ll be blown away by how far they can travel.

24X increase in the overall conversions.

95% reduction in the cost per conversion.

440% increase in the conversion rate.

142% increase in organic revenue.

426% increase in Google Ads revenue.

95% increase in Meta Ads revenue.

36% increase in organic sessions.

86% increase in organic goal completions.

187% increase in Google Ads goal completions.

Increased Google Ads conversions by 61%.

Reduced the Google Ads cost per conversion by 60%.

2,675 keyword position increases for tracked keywords.


Hussmann, a Panasonic owned company, is a leading supplier of commercial refrigeration systems and support services to larger scale enterprises such as supermarkets and independent retailers.

Peter Sheppard

With flagship stores in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, Peter Sheppard have been providing unrivalled service and the perfect fit for over 50 years.


coreplus is a leading digital practice management software designed for the Allied Health sector.

Tile Solution Australia

Tile Solution Australia specialises in tile and stone cleaning, polishing, restoration, and sealing across Melbourne.


Meet our
YouTube team

Harris Panayi Harris Panayi
Harris Panayi

Client Services Director


Harris has been part of the SIXGUN fabric nearly since its inception, running the Client Services department and specialising in client, staff, and escalation management, along with recruitment, retention, and business growth. A strong leader at SIXGUN whose all-rounder approach ensures maximum client and staff satisfaction, Harris also takes the lead on company events and culture.


After almost a decade in the digital marketing landscape, Harris has worked in almost every facet of the industry, including SEO, SEM, social media, site design and development, lead generation and affiliate marketing, account and partnership management, and general staff management positions.

Harris’ primary goal is to foster harmonious relationships between agency and client, ensuring business success from a technical performance perspective is at the forefront, while ensuring relationships with clients operate so effectively that clients are able to see us as a part of their business. Harris strives to create a family-style partnership environment within his department, where partnerships organically grow over time and clients stick with us for the long term.

Fun Fact

Harris is a true foodie, soccer and music enthusiast at heart. You’re most likely to find him in the kitchen, watching his beloved Arsenal, or strumming his Fender Stratocaster.

Matthew Cullen
Matthew Cullen

Strategy Director


Matthew leads the strategy and sales direction of SIXGUN, helping to develop a true client-centric mentality that puts our clients’ needs at the heart of our digital marketing solutions.


With more than ten years of experience in the digital marketing industry, Matthew uses his wealth of experience to guide campaigns from the outset, helping set realistic expectations that don’t promise the world. When talking strategy, Matthew understands no question is too small—choosing a digital marketing partner can be a difficult task and half the battle is finding a team you genuinely want to work with over the long term.

Fun Fact

A foodie at heart, Matt enjoys cooking (hopefully) delicious food, wining and dining with friends and family, and the occasional round of golf.

Alan Trinh
Alan Trinh

Performance Media Director


Leading the Performance Media department at SIXGUN, Alan manages a dynamic team of high-performing paid media specialists. The Performance Media team specialises in Google Ads, social media marketing, email marketing, and more.


With nine years of experience in marketing, Alan's journey encompasses diverse roles, from crafting impactful paid media strategies to orchestrating successful marketing events. Alan takes pride in fusing creativity with data-driven tactics, propelling brands to the forefront of the digital landscape, and mentoring his team to excel.

Fun Fact

Once upon a time, Alan was a qualified hairdresser who specialised in haircutting. He even entered a few hair competitions (but didn't win an award). That could explain the career change.

Nando Iorio
Nando Iorio

Lead Account Manager


Nando is an integral part of the Account Management team at SIXGUN, helping to develop a true and transparent business-client relationship while aiding and managing the day-to-day needs of our clients’ digital marketing solutions.


With over a decade of industry experience in both traditional and digital marketing as well as experience in the creative field, Nando takes a warm and holistic approach to client services.

Fun Fact

When Nando isn’t focused on all things SIXGUN he enjoys playing guitar and trying to set a new high score in classic video games. Nando also enjoys photography and making short videos in his spare time.

Dylan Charisis Dylan Charisis
Dylan Charisis

Lead Performance Media Specialist


Dylan is a part of the Performance Media team at SIXGUN, developing strategic paid media campaigns to help clients be seen by their ideal audiences despite the crowded digital landscape.


With more than five years’ experience in digital marketing, Dylan’s expertise has many facets beyond paid media, including analytics, PR, communications, and everything in between.

Fun Fact

Like many others at SIXGUN, on the weekends Dylan can be seen hitting a ball with a stick (golf), enjoying a run or visiting one of Melbourne’s many sandwich shops.

Evan Pavlidis
Evan Pavlidis

Senior Digital Marketing Strategist


As SIXGUN’s Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, Evan focuses on creating bespoke solutions, tailored to each individual business’s unique needs and challenges.


Working in client-facing roles for more than five years, Evan has a wealth of experience across the various marketing solutions that SIXGUN offers their clients. Outside of this, his knowledge of website development, UX and AI integration help shape a holistic understanding of the digital landscape, bringing unparalleled insight into every strategy session.

Fun Fact

Outside of work, you’ll find Evan spending quality time with his Labrador Zorro (please ask to see a photo! it will make him really happy) or 30 metres in the air, climbing a boulder in the wilderness. Evan also enjoys a range of sports (supporting Greece of course!).

Nelson Pak
Nelson Pak

Senior Account Manager


With more than five years of industry experience, Nelson brings a professional yet approachable attitude to the client services team. From strategic planning through to implementation and all day-to-day tasks, Nelson takes a holistic approach to digital marketing, aware that transparency and understanding between clientele and agency is key.


With ten years of combined experience in industries like banking, finance, sales, and marketing, Nelson brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the team, having worked with many small, medium and enterprise-level businesses, leading campaigns and creating meaningful, long-lasting partnerships.

Fun Fact

Outside of work, Nelson can be found on walks to the dog park/beach with his best bud, partaking in rounds of MMA to keep fit, or sitting around a campfire in the outback.

Miles Rodriquez
Miles Rodriquez

Senior Account Manager


As a Senior Account Manager, Miles brings a professional and calm demeanour to client services, leading marketing campaigns from strategy phase to implementation.


Miles has more than a decade of client service and digital marketing experience across a broad array of industries. From telecommunications to disability services, there are few sectors he hasn’t worked with.

Fun Fact

Outside of work, Miles can be usually found with a soccer ball at his feet or a guitar in his hands.

Charlotte Connell
Charlotte Connell

Performance Media Specialist


Charlotte, working as a Performance Media Specialist at SIXGUN, leverages her design skills and creative mindset to elevate Google Ads, paid media and social campaigns.


In addition to being part of the all-star performance media team at SIXGUN, Charlotte harnesses her graphic design and illustration talents to boost her contributions to social media and enrich her projects within the agency.

Fun Fact

Outside of the office, Charlotte can be found painting, doodling, illustrating, or enjoying an iced long black (or three).

Raj Maha
Raj Maha

Digital Marketing Specialist


Raj harnesses the power of SEO and paid performance channels to create tailored marketing solutions for businesses of all sizes, with a strong focus on efficiency and performance.


Raj has a wealth of experience in both the financial and marketing industries. He has worked with organisations ranging from small businesses to global multi-nationals, with several years of experience across different verticals of marketing.

Fun Fact

Outside of work, you can find Raj spending quality time with his family and friends around a barbeque.

Janelle Wong
Janelle Wong

Junior Performance Media Specialist


Janelle is a digital marketing all-rounder who's dedicated to mixing creativity into her strategies. With experience in social media content creation and SEO, she's now blending her career know-how and diving deep into paid media strategies.


Janelle's digital marketing journey has spanned diverse sectors like education, engineering, finance, beauty, and ecommerce. Her expertise extends to creating and editing video content across YouTube and TikTok.

Fun Fact

Outside of work, you can find Janelle cafe-hopping with friends and taking aesthetic pics for the ‘Gram. You might also find her hanging from a piece of fabric in the aerial yoga studio.

Ready to get started? Get in touch with our team today

Whether you want to create your own video content, place your ads onto other people’s videos, or start an SEO campaign, SIXGUN can help you pull it off. 

We have the technical expertise to help you create content that sings and goes well beyond blog posts and Twitter updates. Unleash the power of video with YouTube marketing and the expertise of SIXGUN’s Melbourne team. 

Call us today on 1300 127 361 or submit our contact form, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions and get your journey underway.

You might be wondering...

As a premier YouTube advertising agency in Melbourne, SIXGUN has extensive experience with all types of YouTube ads, and we’re comfortable with the nuances and benefits of each.

  • Skippable in-stream ads: We've found these to be very effective for long-form content and storytelling. Our team is skilled at designing the first five seconds to engage the viewer and encourage them to watch beyond the “skip” point.
  • Non-skippable in-stream ads: Our team understands that these are best used for short, impactful messages, as the viewer can't skip past. We've run successful campaigns with a variety of lengths - 15, 20, and even 30-second slots.
  • Video discovery ads: These are wonderful for driving engagement, as they appear to users who are actively searching or browsing. We have strategies to effectively optimise the headlines and descriptions for these ads, to attract the most relevant audience.
  • Bumper ads: Bumper ads are a great tool for reinforcing a message or increasing brand awareness due to their brief 6-second length. We have experience in creating concise and catchy messages to fit this short time frame.
  • In addition to these, we've also worked with outstream ads, which show up on partner websites, and masthead ads, which get premium placement on YouTube's homepage.

Our expertise extends beyond just the creation and placement of these ads. We use advanced analytics and A/B testing to optimise campaigns, maximise ROI and reduce wasted ad spend. Our team also understands the importance of seamless integration with other marketing channels, and how YouTube advertising fits into a larger, multi-channel marketing strategy.

When it comes to optimising YouTube ads for higher viewer engagement and conversion rates, SIXGUN’s process is rooted in leveraging data, understanding audiences, and using creative strategies tailored to your specific business needs. Here's an overview of our approach:

  • Audience targeting: Before we even begin with creating an ad, we carry out in-depth audience research. Understanding the viewer is the key to creating ads that resonate. We identify key demographics, interests, and habits of your target audience, then use YouTube's powerful targeting tools to make sure our ads reach them.
  • Keyword & SEO optimisation: Much like Google Search, YouTube has its own search algorithm. We perform comprehensive keyword research and optimise your ad content for these keywords. This helps your ad appear in relevant search results, increasing the likelihood of viewer engagement.
  • Compelling content: The key to engagement and conversions is capturing the viewer's attention and providing value. We focus on creating compelling, authentic, and high-quality content. We apply storytelling principles and try to evoke emotions to make the ad memorable.
  • Strong calls to action (CTAs): An effective ad prompts action. We design strong, clear, and compelling CTAs to drive conversions. Whether it's visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase, we make sure viewers know what the next step is.
  • A/B testing: We use A/B testing to constantly improve our ads. This allows us to test different aspects of the ad (like the headline, description, or video content itself) and see what works best with your audience - it's all about continuous learning and adjustment.
  • Analytics & performance tracking: We monitor key metrics such as view rate, click-through-rate (CTR), watch time, and conversions. This gives us insight into what's working and what's not. We use these insights to refine our approach and optimise future campaigns.
  • Leveraging YouTube ad formats: We utilise the variety of ad formats available on YouTube like TrueView, Non-skippable instream ads, Bumper ads, or Discovery ads. Each format serves a different purpose and is used based on the campaign's goals.
  • Sequencing & remarketing: We don't just rely on one-off interactions. We strategically plan ad sequencing to build narratives and improve brand recall. Plus, we use remarketing techniques to re-engage viewers who've shown interest in your offerings.

Remember, each brand is unique, and our approach is always customised to your specific goals and needs. Our main objective is to drive meaningful engagement, and ultimately, high conversion rates through strategic and creative YouTube advertising.

Selecting the right targeting options for YouTube ads is a blend of art and science that we, as a leading YouTube marketing agency, have been perfecting over many years. Here's an overview of how we go about it:

  • Your business goals and audience: Our first step is to conduct a deep dive into understanding your business, your products or services, and most importantly, your target audience. We aim to understand their behaviour, interests, online activities, and pain points. This way, we can ensure we're not just targeting a broad audience, but the right audience for your specific offering.
  • Keyword research: We perform thorough keyword research to understand what terms and phrases your audience uses when searching for the products or services you offer. This helps us target your ads based on these search terms.
  • Demographic targeting: Depending on the profile of your ideal customer, we utilise YouTube's demographic targeting options. This can involve selecting the age, gender, parental status, and household income of the audience you want to reach.
  • Interest and behaviour targeting: YouTube allows us to target viewers based on their interests, habits, and what they're actively researching or planning. We leverage this to reach viewers who are most likely to be interested in your offerings.
  • Contextual targeting: We select this option to target specific types of content, channels, or videos. If there are channels or videos that we know your audience frequents, we can place your ads there.
  • Remarketing: We use remarketing lists to target viewers who've interacted with your brand or content before. This can significantly increase your ad's effectiveness since these viewers have already shown interest in your brand.
  • Testing and optimisation: We continually monitor the performance of the campaigns and tweak the targeting options to maximise the results. We use A/B testing to find what works best and to continuously refine and optimise your campaigns.
  • Customer match: If you have a list of emails of customers or potential leads, we can use YouTube's Customer Match feature to directly target them with your ads.

Every business is unique. There's no one-size-fits-all approach. That's why we develop a bespoke YouTube marketing strategy for each of our clients to ensure we're reaching the most relevant audience possible in the most effective way.

Measuring the success of a YouTube marketing campaign involves a multitude of key performance indicators (KPIs) that each address different facets of your overall marketing objectives. Here are the primary metrics SIXGUN pays close attention to:

  • Views and watch time: The most basic metric, views, represents the number of times a video has been watched. More importantly, watch time gives us insight into how long viewers are staying and how engaging our content is. If our watch time is high, it means that viewers are not only clicking on our videos but also sticking around to watch.
  • Audience retention: This metric tells us how well a video retains viewers during playback by showing us the average percentage of a video that people watch. It helps us understand at what point people stop watching a video, which can guide us in optimising video length and content pacing.
  • Subscriber growth: This KPI helps us measure the growth of your YouTube channel. A steady increase in subscribers indicates that our content is valuable enough for viewers to want to come back for more.
  • Engagement metrics: This includes likes, comments, and shares. High engagement rates show that viewers are interacting with our content and can give us insights into what type of content resonates best with our audience.
  • Traffic sources: This shows us where our viewers are coming from, whether that's from YouTube search, other social media platforms, or external websites. Understanding our traffic sources helps us target our marketing efforts more effectively.
  • Conversion metrics: If your campaign's goal is to drive a specific action, like app downloads, website visits, or product purchases, we'll also measure conversion rates. Using tools like Google Analytics, we can track viewers as they move from the video to your website or app.
  • Cost metrics: If we're running paid campaigns, cost metrics like Cost Per View (CPV) and Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) will be important to measure how efficiently our ads are converting views and actions.
  • Audience demographics: Understanding who our audience is can help us create more targeted and relevant content. We can break this down by age, gender, location, and even interests.

We also make it a point to continuously review and recalibrate our strategies based on these metrics to ensure that your marketing campaign is not only reaching its intended audience, but is also effective in driving the desired outcomes.

Utilising YouTube Analytics is key to developing, implementing, and continuously refining a successful marketing strategy on the platform. We view analytics not as raw data, but as a powerful storytelling tool that provides us with deep insights into your audience, content performance, and overall channel health.

  • Audience insights: YouTube Analytics provides us with a wealth of data about your audience, including age, gender, geographical location, and even what time they're most likely to watch videos. We can use this data to tailor our content strategy, ensuring we're creating videos that will appeal to your core demographic and publishing them at the most effective times.
  • Viewer engagement: Through analytics, we can track how viewers engage with your content, whether it's liking, sharing, commenting, or even how long they're watching. By analysing these metrics, we can figure out what's resonating with your audience, and what's not. This information helps us adjust the content style, length, and format to maximise viewer engagement.
  • Traffic sources: Knowing where your viewers are coming from—whether it's through YouTube search, external websites, or suggested videos—enables us to strategically optimise your content and channel for those sources, enhancing discoverability and increasing organic growth.
  • Performance metrics: Analytics data like watch time, audience retention, and click-through rates are crucial for understanding the performance of each video. We use these metrics to inform decisions around content topics, video length, thumbnails, descriptions and more, ensuring each piece of content is set up for success.
  • A/B testing: YouTube Analytics also allows us to conduct A/B testing for your video thumbnails, titles, descriptions, etc. to determine which versions perform best. This is an essential part of optimising your content for the highest possible engagement and visibility.


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