Lincoln Indicators

Lincoln Indicators is a premier Australian research house and fund manager known for their Stock Doctor platform, a key resource for self-directed investors and SMSF trustees. Their expertise lies in quantitative stock research, focusing on identifying financially robust stocks for investment.

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Enhanced data tracking capabilities.

Streamlined marketing processes through HubSpot integration.


Lincoln Indicators wanted to understand better how clients were interacting with their platform. They needed visibility on key data they could use to improve UX, make data-driven decisions and present accurate reporting to their executive team.

This project with Lincoln Indicators demonstrates our expertise in digital platform integration and analytics setup, emphasising our technical skills and client-focused approach.

The challenge included the the following project considerations:

  • Integrate third-party platforms with Lincoln Indicators’ systems.
  • Migrate from Marketo to HubSpot.
  • Implement AVANSER tracking and set up GA4.
  • Implement seamless cross-domain tracking.
  • Collaborate with Lincoln Indicators’ internal development team for effective solution implementation on their proprietary systems and existing sprint schedule.


Our approach to the above challenge was to complete the following technical tasks:

  • Successfully integrated AVANSER and Calendly, enhancing customer engagement capabilities.
  • Migrated CRM functions from Marketo to HubSpot, streamlining Lincoln Indicators’ marketing and sales processes.
  • Migrated to Google Analytics 4, enabling more comprehensive data analytics.
  • Utilised Google Tag Manager GTM for efficient tracking and event management.
  • Configured event tracking for key actions like ‘Book a Chat’, ‘Click to Email’, and webinar registrations.
  • Created a process guide for event creation, ensuring consistent practices in data handling now and into the future.

  • Developed comprehensive documentation, including a handbook on GTM naming conventions and rules.

After our technical work was completed, our handover process involved two meetings. The first was a detailed, top-level explanation of the entire project. The second was held shortly after to cover any questions once the Lincoln Indicators team had a chance to use the new setup.

This clear handover process empowered the client to take ownership of the project going forward.


  • Enhanced data tracking capabilities.
  • Streamlined marketing processes through HubSpot integration.
  • Empowered the client’s internal teams with knowledge and tools for future platform management.
  • Extended tracking capabilities to Lincoln Indicators and Stock Doctor.
  • Clarified non-tracking domains and added new event types as per client requirements.
  • Lincoln Indicators marketing team is now able to report to key stakeholders and board members.